Monday, March 7, 2011

All Mabinogi Players! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!! XD?

Hey, I'm looking for people to add onto my Mabinogi family! I'm glad that they finally got the family system up and running, including titles. Anyways, my username is Lluviabeast, and I'm on the Mari server and I am head of my family. I'm always on CH5 but sometimes I go to CH1 for random Vales raids. Its funny to watch the guards chase elves because they rarely catch them lol. You're probably thinking "Well...why should I join your family?" Well kiddos! (or...adultos? XD) That's an excellent question you got there! Thank you for asking, Billy. Its not that you should, its simply a request. I'm a pretty nice person and I always stand behind my family no matter what, so long as they are respectful, but I will let you know when you're in the wrong. I lend the gold if I have it, randomly buy you stuff, help you with dungeons and quests, and of course....the random adventures lol. Sometimes I go on random explorations of Iria because its just so dadgum big! No lie, Erinn sucks. Iria is amazing and fun to explore. So, think about it....think about it....okay...and go! lol add or note me or even message me if you're interested. I like mail. That I do. Oh, yes I do have ADHD but that just makes me more fun to be around :D And please...spare me the game hating comments or anything else that is either ignorant or spiteful or stereotypical -.- Not all gamers are ugly lazy fat kids. And Billy, to answer your next question, no. It does not matter if your elf, giant, human, elf sided, giant sided, whatever! No! Your level does not matter either! Nothing matters but the fact that you want to join and have a group of people that will be there for you!! Thank you.....that is all.

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